Solar powered Air Conditioning

If you’re looking to keep cool this summer, you may be looking for a new air conditioning unit. Whether you’re looking for a standalone AC unit or a central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, choosing one of the best solar-powered AC units can help you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on utility bills

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of
solar energy AC units, including installation tips, the benefits of solar HVAC, information on the best solar-powered air conditioners on the market and frequently asked questions.

Solar Energy Definition

Let’s begin with a general overview of solar power. The sun provides us with natural light during the day. In doing so, it sends individual particles of sunlight, known as photons, to the Earth. Each photon contains energy, and that energy fuels the Earth in various ways.

It might surprise you to learn that, during any given hour, the Earth receives enough solar energy that it could theoretically fulfill the entire planet’s energy needs for one full year. But where does all this solar power actually come from? Well, keep in mind that the sun is a star, and like any other star, it’s basically one big nuclear reactor.

There are nuclear fusion reactions happening in the sun’s core all the time, producing huge amounts of energy that radiate out into space in the form of light and heat. Large quantities of this solar radiation ultimately reach Earth’s surface. Solar power can be collected via a technology called photovoltaics, then it will change sunlight directly into electricity that can be used to supply power to a home or a business. Generally, solar power works by converting energy from the sun into power.

Solar energy currently represents a relatively small fragment of the global energy economy, yet it’s gaining in popularity, largely thanks to the falling prices of solar panel installation, combined with a growing desire among homeowners to reduce their utility bills and their carbon footprints.

Why Switch to a Solar AC Unit or Solar HVAC Unit?

Air conditioners and HVAC systems remove heat from the air inside your home through cooling and recirculation, allowing hot air and moisture to be released outside. Solar AC units work similarly — without driving up your electricity bills in the summer.

The proportion of renewable electric power generation (46%) exceeded generation from fossil fuels (38%) for the first time in 2020. In addition, renewable and nuclear energy cumulatively accounted for almost two-thirds of UK electricity generation that year. Electricity generation from natural gas represented 36%

A residential cooling system can be used to lower the temperature of one or a few rooms in one’s house, or the whole house. Central air conditioning is used to cool the whole house, while a standalone AC unit is typically used for smaller spaces.

The good news is that you can cut both home energy costs and your carbon footprint by choosing a solar power system.

A solar AC unit is a good option for homeowners who don’t need a full
solar panel installation, such as people with small roofs, who live in condos or who want solar-powered Annexe cooling. However, it may be more cost-effective for homeowners to install a whole-home solar AC system to get the best energy savings and a more substantial return on investment.

Types of Solar-Powered AC Units

If you’re ready to make the switch to clean energy, you’re probably wondering how to narrow down the best solar-powered AC unit for your home. Before you look at specific products, it helps to understand the different types of solar technology on the market.

The two main types of solar-powered air conditioners are  solar air conditioners, alternating current (AC) solar air conditioners, and hybrid solar air conditioners.

Direct and alternating current refers to the way energy flows: DC only flows in one direction, while AC changes direction often. These currents are often used in different applications. Home energy grids use alternating current, while batteries use direct current.

Here’s how these types of currents work in solar-powered AC units:

  • AC solar air conditioners: Alternating current solar air conditioners are designed to work with your home’s existing power grid. This means that the DC current collected from the solar panels is converted into AC power for use with the solar air conditioner, which can be used on the electrical grid.
  • Hybrid solar air conditioners: Hybrid solar air conditioners use a combination of electricity from the grid and solar power to reduce the overall cooling costs of your space or whole home. More specifically, an AC/DC hybrid system uses grid electricity to run the unit’s fans, but solar energy to run the compressor.

Interested in getting a full solar powered a-c system installed for your home/office? Fill out the free, no-obligation form below to get a quote from a trusted A-C installer Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers

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