Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers Essex

Fresh with ideas and creative innovation

We have some exciting news to share with you, here at Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers. Our brand new website has just gone “live” and we are very pleased with it! If you haven’t already seen it, our site has had a complete new design and we have added some great new features.

New Look
The first thing that’ll grab your attention is our brand new look. We freshened up our logo bringing it up-to-date with a simple contemporary design. As well as our new look, our website is now more responsive, meaning it responds to the platform it is being viewed on. So whether you’re browsing our wide range of products and services, our new website will always look good and work as it is meant to be.

The power of our website is to be as informative as possible and clearly show you what we can do for you.

Now offering regular discounted promotions.